Shipping policy
Estimated Delivery Dates
See item descriptions for estimated arrival times.
The estimated delivery date is when your order should arrive. Generally, the estimated delivery date is based on a combination of the processing time or the items you ordered (how long it takes the seller to create and prepare them for shipment), and the transit time (how long the package is typically in transit with the shipping carrier).
Typically items are shipped within 1 business day of order, excluding holidays. Orders shipping cut off is 12:00PM CST, orders received after that time will be shipped out following business day.
Processing time + Carrier transit time = Estimated Delivery Date
For example: If the processing time for an item you purchased is 4-8 days, and the transit time for the shipping method you chose is usually 1-4 days, your estimated delivery date is 5-12 days from today.
If we, the seller, complete the order earlier than the expected ship date, the estimated delivery date will be recalculated accordingly.
Why don't I see an estimated delivery date for my order?
Not all orders will have estimated delivery dates. Estimated delivery dates depend on the order’s shipping settings, which are set based on the type of item being sold.
Customs and import taxes
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. Kill3rFruit,LLC DBA 321Engrave is not responsible for delays due to customs.