Belle or Trixie?
We got an adorable puppy last week. We weren't planning on getting another shop dog for a while but Sammy was so sad and lonely that we eventually started talking about what kind of friend we should get her.

After choosing what kind of dog to get, we searched for which dog. As soon as we saw her picture, we knew she was the one. We brought her home and Sammy and the new puppy got along like best friends. But then the name thing. We started with Belle. Belle is a pretty name for a sweet dog, which she is, but not everyone agreed on the name. Since we couldn't think of another name for a few days we were calling her that, but then the name Trixie was thrown out there. Trixie fits her personality a little better because she is a Trickster who likes to do and play tricks. And she's also a little Troublemaker who likes to get into things she shouldn't and hide in places where you can't catch her.
What would you name this sweet little girl? Find out in the next blog.