Painting Day

This week I've been getting ready to make more of my top-selling items. The first order of business is to paint the boards. Here I am, sitting in my painting area, painting a gold-colored board. The smock I am wearing is something I made for one of my silent partners who said that the colors I pair together are ...interesting. She loves to paint too, but her paintings are always more intricate and beautiful. Sometimes, when I'm lucky, she sits with me and we paint together. I tell her I'm painting beautiful sunsets while she is painting her beautiful landscapes.
The process of painting has taken me several days. Today I finally finished and it feels good to be ready to engrave, after a little dry time of course. Here is a picture of my wood hanging to dry.
Sammy hung out with me today but I never could get a good picture of her. Every time I tried she moved and I got an awkward angle. Here is one that really accentuates her long nose. She is the dog to the right, the other is a meme my kiddo...I mean silent partner...sent me.
If you are noticing Sammy's crazy eyes, they go with her crazy personality.